Juniper EX4550 switches

Juniper EX4550 series switches was announced in 2012.
Juniper does not disclose exact chip on which the switch is built. However, it was possible to determine by indirect data that this is the Marvell Prestera CX 8248/8234

You can read ASIC datasheet here.
View datasheet for EX4550
MPLS features on Juniper EX4550

  • 960 Gbps switching capacity
  • Forwarding rate of 714 mpps

EX4550 In comparison with EX4500 now fits in 1U and got new expansion modules:

  • EX4550-VC1-128G EX4550, 128 Gbps Virtual Chassis module
  • EX4550-EM-8XSFP EX4550 8-port 10GbE SFP+ expansion module
  • EX4550-EM-8XT EX4550 8-port 100M/1G/10GBASE-T expansion module
  • EX4550-EM-2QSFP EX4550 2-port 40GbE expansion module

Juniper EX4550 switches have lot of issues, same as EX4500, because Juniper have used the same ASIC.
Here is a short list of most important:

  • Issue with buffer lack – leading to drops when traffic flows from 10g to 1g ports.
  • MAC hash – leads to MAC learning issues.
  • Issues with bandwidth utilization – discards at 8-8.5 Gbps.

Article about packet buffer tuning on EX4500/EX4550 can be found here.


EX4550-AFL Advanced feature license for IS-IS, BGP, and MPLS
EX-QFX-MACSEC-AGG MACsec Software License for EX4550
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